Case: Exhibition Identity, Environmental Graphic
Year: 2022–2023
Commissioner: Busan Museum of Art | Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co.,Ltd.
Collaborator: Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co.,Ltd.
EI Artwork Image: Jellyfish Eyes (2022, Data arranged for the exhibition by Toshimitsu Chimura)

Typeset: Exposure, Neue Haas Grotesk | Yoon Myungjo 700, Apple SD Sandoll Gothic Neo, Noto Sans JP
Paper: Invercote, Generic matte coated, Generic uncoated

Printer: Top Process
Vinyl lettering & Graphic, etc.: Pureun Ad

Special Thanks:Jeongwon Seo, Hongeun Gwon

©2023 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
종류: 전시 아이덴티티, 공간 그래픽
연도: 2022–2023년
의뢰: 부산시립미술관 | 무라카미 다카시/카이카이 키키
협력: 무라카미 다카시/카이카이 키키
EI 아트워크 이미지: Jellyfish Eyes (2022, 데이터 조정: 토시미츠 치무라)
서체: Exposure, Neue Haas Grotesk | 윤명조 700, Apple SD 산돌고딕 Neo, 노토산스 JP
종이: 인버코트, 스노우지, 모조지

인쇄: 으뜸프로세스
컷팅시트, 기타 사인물: 푸른애드

감사한 분: 서정원, 권홍은
Exhibition Identity
Official Exhibition Identity
Exhibition Identity (Jellyfish ver.)
Exhibition Identity (Neon ver.)
Exhibition Identity (Black-Neon ver.)
Exhibition Identity (Sketch)
Exhibition Identity
Official Exhibition Identity
Invitation, 148×210mm | Envelope
Leaflet, 148×210mm (Front)
Leaflet, 148×210mm (Front)
Leaflet, 148×210mm (Front)
Leaflet, 148×210mm (Front)
Leaflet, 148×210mm (Front)
Leaflet, 420×592mm (Back)
Leaflet, 420×592mm (Back)
Invitation, 148×210mm | Envelope
Environmental Graphics
Graphics and Title Wall
Graphics and Title Wall
Graphics and Title Wall
Graphics and Title Wall
Graphics and Title Wall
Graphics and Title Wall (Acknowledgement)
Graphics and Title Wall (Acknowledgement)
Graphics and Title Wall
Chronography Wall
Chronography Wall
Chronography Wall
Chronography Wall
Graphics and Title Wall
Environmental Graphics
Exterior Wall Banner | Exterior LED Electronic Signage
Street Banner
Street Banner
Information Desk
Information Desk
Information Desk
BMA Staircase Glass rail
Guide on Floor
Graphics and Title Wall (Lee Ufan Space)
Graphics and Title Wall (Lee Ufan Space)
Exterior Wall Banner | Exterior LED Electronic Signage
Environmental Graphics
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label (AR)
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label
Work Label (AR)
Work Label (AR)
Work Label